4301 North Mesa
Suite 100
El Paso, TX 79902
Pediatric Hospital
Adult Hospital
Clinic Staffing
Medical Director

2 Additional Cardiologists attend Clinic
Nursing & Other Staff
Care Setting
Hospital of Providence Sierra
Texas Tech Health Science Center - El Paso
Training & Research
Satellite Clinics
Director's Description
West Texas Adult Congenital (WTAC) is the first Adult congenital program in West Texas. We have over 300 patient visits yearly. We are affiliated with El Paso Children's Hospital,University Medical Center, Texas Tech Health Science Center - El Paso, and the Hospitals of Providence..
We have a dedicated team of cardiologists and have the ability to perform cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology, transesophageal echocardiography, and dedicated cardiac MRI. We have dedicated team of specialists that we work with for pulmonary hypertension.
We perform cardiac catheterizations, percutaneous pulmonary valve replacements, atrial septal defect repairs, and open heart surgeries. Many of these procedures and surgeries were the first of its kind in West Texas when we opened our clinic in 2018. Our program continues to grow and our mission is to help those patients that do not have access to care and better care for those with chronic cardiac conditions.