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Professional Membership

This registration form is for Professional Members to securely join, renew and pay annual membership dues.

By joining the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA) Medical Professional Membership Program, you are demonstrating additional commitment to your patients and their lifelong well-being. You are supporting ACHA’s mission to empower the congenital heart disease community by advancing access to resources and specialized care that improve patient-centered outcomes.

ACHA is an extension of your ACHD clinic by offering additional resources to your patients. Your dues payments directly support ACHA’s mission, which provides programs that serve your patients beyond their annual appointment at your clinic.

ACHA is excited to share that we now offer professional members the option to set up their dues payment to automatically charge on an annual basis, ensuring you never lapse in membership. If you have any questions about setting up your annual recurring dues payment, email dhile@achaheart.org.

Please select your membership category below to securely join, renew and pay annual membership dues.


$125 – MD/DO Medical Professional Membership

$80 – Cardiac Care Medical Professional Membership

$50 – Cardiac Care Support Staff Medical Professional Membership

ACHA medical professional members are entitled to the following benefits:
  • A 25% discount on bulk orders of ACHA’s patient education materials, such as our Personal Health Passport and ACHD Travel Directory, available on our online store.
  • An annual mailing of 50 complimentary “About ACHA” Rack Cards, 3 ACHA lapel pins, and other selected materials (per ACHD clinic). Additional lapel pins are 50% off for Medical Professional Members.
  • Regular updates on ACHD/CHD professional issues, meetings, training opportunities, ACHA initiatives, and more through our monthly Medical Professional Membership email updates.
  • Complimentary materials upon request to promote ACHA initiatives and events to patients (per ACHD clinic).
  • Access to ACHA networking events for medical professional members.
  • Opportunity to promote CHD events at your institution to ACHA’s medical professional and/or patient/family membership.
  • Opportunity to promote medical studies, current research projects, and published research findings to ACHA’s patient and provider membership.