ACHA mourns the loss of William Davidson, MD. Dr. Davidson was a longtime ACHA advocate and friend. We are forever grateful for his unwavering dedication to mission of ACHA. Instrumental in the development of the ACHA Clinic Directory, Dr. Davidson served as chairperson of the Clinic Directory Committee (later renamed the Professional Affairs Committee), beginning in 2004. He recognized the importance of adults with CHD receiving care from appropriately trained cardiologists.
After finishing his Cardiology fellowship at the University of Rochester, Dr. Davidson joined the cardiology faculty at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center in 1985 where he founded the Program for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (PACHD) at Hershey in 1991. He directed that program from then until his retirement in early 2022. Dr. Davidson served on the ACHA Medical Advisory Board from 2006-2014, where he was also a member of the executive committee for a period of time. Subsequent to that, Dr. Davidson was a member of the ACHA Emeritus Medical Advisory Board from 2015 until his passing. He also served as an ACHA Board Member from 2009-2011, as well as on the steering committee of Vision 2020 and as chair of the Program Accreditation working group.