Organization Leaders Plan ACHA’s Future

Posted Wednesday, Nov 02, 2022

For the first time ever, the Adult Congenital Heart Association was pleased to have the opportunity to assemble members of the Board of Directors (BOD), Emeritus Board, Medical Advisory Board (MAB), Patient and Family Advisory Board (PFAB), and staff. The group met October 28-29 in Bloomington, MN, for a Leadership Retreat to review ACHA’s accomplishments over the last few years, and plan for the next three years through Vision 2025.

Vision 2025 is ACHA’s guide for the future, and encompasses these core concepts:

  1. We will improve access to quality care for CHD patients.
  2. We focus on advocacy.
  3. We focus on research.
  4. We will improve the awareness of CHD.
  5. We are financially strong.
  6. We are a national organization with regional offices.

“It was so inspiring to be in person with 50 of our most passionate volunteer leaders and staff team after nearly three years of Zoom calls,” said ACHA President & CEO Mark Roeder. “We shared many important opportunities and aspirations that will surely shape our next three-year plan under Vision 2025.”

Through a variety of analysis and brainstorming sessions, attendees provided valuable input and direction for each of ACHA’s core concepts. The results of the Strategic Planning Survey taken by ACHA membership in September helped bring the opinions of our community members to the discussion. ACHA looks forward to completing the strategic plan to guide existing and future priorities.