9 a.m - 12 p.m. EST
Having congenital heart disease (CHD) can be hard and feel lonely, like you are the only one navigating these challenges. This event, designed for adults and children with CHD, will discuss the importance of engaging a support system. Adults can attend the Teen and Adults with CHD track, which features a session on Developing Relationships and Navigating Life. Parents and children will learn they are not alone and about ways to successfully communicate with others who interact with children, like the schools. Hear personal stories from families impacted by CHD.
This event will have tables from local and national organizations, including a regional volunteer from ACHA. Stop by our table to say hello! This event a great way to make connections with others who share your passion and journey, and to learn more about what’s going on in your community.
This event is free, and a light breakfast will be served.