Volunteer Spotlight: Jennifer Tripucka

Posted Friday, Apr 15, 2022

A Q&A With a Longtime ACHA Blogger and Fundraiser

(Originally published in the February 2022 Heart Happenings Newsletter)

Q: How did you learn about ACHA? 

A: I learned about ACHA through Facebook. About 12 years ago, I joined the Mustard and Senning TGA (my CHD) group and they were talking about the amazing work ACHA does for our population of adults with CHD. I reached out to ACHA a few years back to do some writing for its blog, as I felt that sharing my story would be both cathartic and helpful to those with conditions similar to mine. Realizing you’re not alone is the most empowering part.

Q: Can you tell us about your support of ACHA during Heart Month?

A: February, which is both Heart Month and my birthday month, is extra special to me. It makes me feel empowered and grateful to have made it another year, and to be able to create awareness around CHD in adults. I use it as a time to raise awareness for ACHA and the research that is needed. This year, I raised more than $1,000 on social media for ACHA. Over the last few years, I’ve raised over $5,000+ and counting!

Q: Why do you feel it's important to support ACHA during Heart Month?

A: It’s always important to me to support ACHA throughout the year.

1 in 100 babies in the US are born with CHD like me, and the more research we have the better. When I was born in the ‘80s, there was nothing resource-wise out there for parents of heart babies, and definitely not for anyone living with CHD. Technology and science are incredible, and without organizations like ACHA to support us and advocate for us, the world for people like me would be a much more dreary place. There is still much research to be done, hope to be had, and connections to be made. Thank you for giving us a guiding light for the future and a way to advocate for our cause.

Click here to read HeartTalk Blog posts by Jennifer Tripucka.